Father Drew ™ pinned this post
Father Drew ™
1 month ago (E)
I own Twittaer and have been running it from the beginning over 2 years ago. I verify new accounts from the get go without any question.
Just don't post illegal shit and we're good.
Father Drew ™
23 hours ago
Father Drew ™
5 days ago
Father Drew ™
5 days ago
Father Drew ™
5 days ago
Father Drew ™
7 days ago
Father Drew ™
7 days ago
Father Drew ™
7 days ago
Father Drew ™
7 days ago
Father Drew ™
12 days ago
Father Drew ™
13 days ago
Father Drew ™
19 days ago
Father Drew ™
20 days ago
Father Drew ™
20 days ago
Father Drew ™
21 days ago
Sounds legit af
Father Drew ™
21 days ago
Father Drew ™
22 days ago
Most Common Birthdays
Father Drew ™
22 days ago
Me n my doppleganger
Father Drew ™
22 days ago
An actual photo of the exact time lightning hits the water. Absolutely one in a million shot.
Father Drew ™
22 days ago
Father Drew ™
22 days ago
Father Drew ™
23 days ago
Sunset on Mars
Father Drew ™
23 days ago
Just a reminder…
Father Drew ™
23 days ago
Meanwhile at the moon...
Father Drew ™
23 days ago
Meanwhile in China...
Father Drew ™
23 days ago
When you're an addict...you don't care where the next fix comes from as wealthy as you think you are.
Father Drew ™
24 days ago
Father Drew ™
25 days ago
Father Drew ™
25 days ago
Father Drew ™
26 days ago
Father Drew ™
26 days ago